Grim Hallow: Citadel of The Unseen Sun

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Citadel of the Unseen Sun
DATE/TIMES: Tuesdays at 8:15pm EST
SETTING: Grim Hollow (dark fairy tale)
Play in the world of Grim Hollow. Currently in the land of Ostoya. Trapped in a Necromancer’s vile machinations, can the party escape? Can they at least roll above a ten?

Currently have 3 players, looking to add 1-2 more. This is the 4th campaign we are playing together! We have lots of fun. Prime directive is to be excellent to one another!

We play on Foundry with chat on Discord!

Message me if you are interested!! This is a free game, tips are appreciated but not required!

Would love to join if possible

i would love to join. i really want to play with some people

Room for one more? I am down for more TTRPG.

hey!! i really hope this is still open cause i would love to join