[gmt][online][pf2e][paid] curse of strahd: pathfinder 2e conversion

Game Time: Mondays 19:00 UTC/ GMT (14:00EST)
System Pathfinder 2e
Way We Play: Discord + Foundry VTT
Players: ⅖ players found
Rate: £25/$27.50 per game
Additional Info: Play Pathfinder 2e Online | Curse of Strahd (Pathfinder 2e conversion)

"Those who battle monsters should see to it that in the process they do not become monsters themselves. For when you look long into the abyss, the abyss also looks into you.”

Curse of Strahd is the most beloved of all the DnD 5th edition adventures, and for good reason. A classic tale of gothic horror, in a beautifully realised grim setting and a fascinating antagonist. However, for those looking to learn the PF2e system, people keen to play characters not possible within 5e or those just looking for a change, I have worked to convert the games underlying systems and encounters whilst still keeping what made it so special to begin with.

About the DM I’m a writer, film maker and long time DM, who since the pandemic has made DnD my full time gig. It’s an opportunity I’m incredibly thankful for, and one that has allowed me to express myself and build a wonderful network of friends. I love working with players to make a fulfilling experience for everyone involved. I’ve spent many hours building a fully decked out foundry server including custom maps, music, automation features, animated spell effects, dynamic active effects, and who knows how many other immersive quality of life improvements to give you the best possible online experience.

If you’re feeling brave and want to see what lies beyond the mists, Get in touch. I look forward to adventuring with you.