Game worlds and load times

Hey there @tithenon

Oof, yeah I definitely get you, when loading times are rough it’s a big pain.
The loading bar is an overlay and doesn’t affect processing/loading times, but it’s not impossible for its introduction to have coincided with something else which is causing the actual issue.

We should be able to help you out with this, thankfully, by checking the factors that’ll influence world loading. I recommend giving a quick read through the post above, and then checking the troubleshooting doc for the grey screen issue here.

In the majority of cases where we’ve seen slow loading times, it was due to either the world’s size (which can be helped by making use of shared compendiums) or modules which were causing problems. If the troubleshooting steps in those docs aren’t working for you and you still have long load times even after launching in Safe Configuration, please make a ticket in our Discord server’s #ticket-support channel and post an invite to your game, so we can hop in there with you and do some troubleshooting :+1:

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