Former 20 Year DM starting new on Foundry. Looking for a game to play or host

Hello all! I’m new to Foundry and I’m looking to host are join a game. I love map making and running games. All the guys I currently play with are on roll20 and I want to make the switch to foundry. What do you suggest and anyone looking for a new group let me know. I’m willing to run or play. So far I’ve had a lot of good luck with map making and campaign building.

If you end up running a Pathfinder AP, I am down to join. Provided the game can work with my schedule. There are a couple APs I have been interested in checking out, if you were looking for suggestions. Outlaws of Alkenstar looks intriguing, for instance. Hit me up if you need an extra player.

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I would also be interested in joining as a player schedule willing. Anything is fine with me though my current group has run war for the crown and recently started mummy’s mask. Strange Aeons seems interesting with Lovecraftian themes.

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I am interested in joining as a player and have a fairly open schedule allowing me to play just about whenever. I am currently in 1 other session however we only play like once a month. I would love to play more often so let me know if you could use me.

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Additional person stating interest in playing depending on time. Lol love pathfinder looking to explore more 2e

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I hope all is well
I am very keen to join either a dnd 5e or pathfinder 2e campaign or the likes
I know dnd 3.5 and up so everything else is just a small transaction lol
Let’s adventure
I already use foundry with some other friends so I’m definitely in!

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dragonbane – Foundry VTT is so easy
I would love to play, but can run you through the beginner box
The Abomination Vaults is so much cheaper than all the others, but I have it
You can run a game I own without buying one or foundry, and I have Gatewalkers too
You just have to run on my server
Watch the videos about lighting, walls, and sounds – use the tokenizer mod

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Everyone is more than welcome DM me for info. Might be starting a second game with both parties intertwined in the same story plot.