Establish Group of 4 Players Looking for Fun & Creative GM [LFG] [PF2E] [Paid] [$22/player] [4pm PST, Mondays]

Availability: Monday evening PST
System: PF2e
Preferred platform: Foundry VTT
Communication/voice: Discord (open to others)
Campaign style: Fantasy-exploration and sword & sorcery
Term: lv. 2-15 (ish)
Paid: $22/player for experienced, knowledgeable, creative professional or semi-professional GM.

My name is Drew and I am the unofficial leader of a group of players. We are all male ranging from 31-36 years old. 3 players are in the US and 1 is in New Zealand. We have a great group dynamic and a love for role playing games, books, movies, music, and all things fantasy/sci-fi. We are friends outside of the game as well so we’re a bit more committed to each other and the campaign than your average randomly configured online group. Finishing a story is important to us all. Combined we have good amount of experience playing PF1e and D&D 5e. We are now switching to PF2e as our designated system. We’ve completed the beginner box and one-shots and more or less have the basics down. But, of course have some room to learn.

We are looking for a GM to run an ongoing campaign on Monday evenings (Pacific Standard Time - Seattle/Los Angeles). Someone who has experience with running both pre-written adventure paths and homebrew stories is preferred. But, we are open to just about anyone that has a creative and fun approach to storytelling and knows the rules moderately well. We love stories that play out archetypal scenarios and have have a richness to the development of the environment and characters. If this sounds like it aligns with your play style please feel free to reach out and we’ll see if we’re a good match. Let’s tell an epic story and have some fun while we’re at it!!

Best wishes,


Wow, surprised there hasn’t been a flood of guys here hoping to GM you.

How long do you like to play for?
Are you looking to run through an AP or looking for more homebrew?

Please check your inbox. I will be sending you a DM.

Hey Drew, name is Sabari (43),
And I’ve been a DM for 25 years.

Went through 1e, 2e ad&d, 3.5, 4th, and now 5e, and been DMing online for about a year now.
New to PF2, but have been eager to make the shift, and got most of the basics down
(and with my experience, I’m sure expertise will come in no time).

I ran mostly Homebrew long campaigns most of my life but certainly peppered them with ideas (and maps and whatnot) from pre-written stuff.

You sound like a great group of guys and Mondays work for me, so I’d be happy to take you on.
I’ve sent you a PM with my Discord handle, feel free to give me a Buzz.