Availability: Monday evening PST
System: PF2e
Preferred platform: Foundry VTT
Communication/voice: Discord (open to others)
Campaign style: Fantasy-exploration and sword & sorcery
Term: lv. 2-15 (ish)
Paid: $22/player for experienced, knowledgeable, creative professional or semi-professional GM.
My name is Drew and I am the unofficial leader of a group of players. We are all male ranging from 31-36 years old. 3 players are in the US and 1 is in New Zealand. We have a great group dynamic and a love for role playing games, books, movies, music, and all things fantasy/sci-fi. We are friends outside of the game as well so we’re a bit more committed to each other and the campaign than your average randomly configured online group. Finishing a story is important to us all. Combined we have good amount of experience playing PF1e and D&D 5e. We are now switching to PF2e as our designated system. We’ve completed the beginner box and one-shots and more or less have the basics down. But, of course have some room to learn.
We are looking for a GM to run an ongoing campaign on Monday evenings (Pacific Standard Time - Seattle/Los Angeles). Someone who has experience with running both pre-written adventure paths and homebrew stories is preferred. But, we are open to just about anyone that has a creative and fun approach to storytelling and knows the rules moderately well. We love stories that play out archetypal scenarios and have have a richness to the development of the environment and characters. If this sounds like it aligns with your play style please feel free to reach out and we’ll see if we’re a good match. Let’s tell an epic story and have some fun while we’re at it!!
Best wishes,