Error launching game: A different game is currently in session. Please come back later. :[

I keep getting an error:
“Error launching game: A different game is currently in session. Please come back later.”
I’ve stopped all games and I’ve made sure to shut down my browsers, delete cache, and restart my computer. Is there a fix to this besides the license being manually released? There were only three threads that I could find for this.

Hi, I’ve released the license, it was being used by mog-moxi-luverium but I can confirm that game was indeed offline.
We are still working on a solution so this doesn’t happen to anyone ever again, but it has been a rather challenging race condition to fix.
Thanks for understanding!

Thank you so much! This was an amazingly fast response!
I have every bit of confidence that it will be dealt with as soon as possible. Keep up the good work!

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I am getting this error message, i can access one game but not the other. I disabled all mods but still nothing

Hey there :wave:

The race condition which led to the above case last year has been resolved.

In a lot of cases, this error happens because the first game is open in another tab in your browser. The game automatically starts up if accessed that way, even after it is Stopped.

Please double check that you have Stopped the first game from The Forge and that it isn’t open in any tabs or other windows, then attempt to start the second game.

With Game Manager, you will only be able to open as many games simultaneously as you have Foundry licenses.

If you’re still encountering the issue after double checking that no other games are running, please let us know :slight_smile: