Doomed by Demons [PF2E] [Paid $15/session][LGBTQ+ Friendly][Beginner Friendly]

Doomed By Demons!

:crossed_swords: pf2e

:calendar: Thursdays, 1:00 PM CT (UTC -5/6 depending on daylight savings time)

:scroll: In the beginning, there was Sandpoint, a small town on the Lost Coast recovering from a series of tragic coincidences. The secrets established there have gone unexplored - until now. Now, after dealing with a dire threat to their own home, a group of heroes from Osprey Cove follow the clues back to Sandpoint. There, they will discover the secret plot behind so much misery - and how it leads back to a secret as old as Golarion itself.

:memo: I am a long-time GM with multiple 1-20 campaigns under my belt, paid and otherwise. A lot of the campaign will be focused on combat, as is typical for Pathfinder, but exactly how the blend works out will depend strongly on how the players handle things - one of the great things about this system is that it encourages creative solutions to encounters, that don’t always involve a blade or spell, and Sandpoint is a rich enough setting that players can sink into it nicely if they choose.

This game is currently scheduled for 1:00 CT (UTC-5/6 depending on daylight savings time) on Thursdays, with weekly 3-4 hours sessions.

While early parts of the campaign will be built from original material, including Rusthenge and Seven Dooms for Sandpoint, the campaign’s climax is built from original material drawn from Sandpoint: Light of the Lost Coast and prior adventure paths. It will be run through Foundry, and managed through the StartPlayingGames system using the link below.

Doomed by Demons

We have most of the players we need to launch the game, in case anybody was holding off on taking the plunge because they wanted to make sure they wouldn’t be the only people there. There are 3 open seats left, and we can launch if I find somebody to fill one of them.