Character Sheet Visual Issue: Strange Visual issues

A friend of mine in a game being run is having these strange visual issues on his character sheet. They occur on both the light and dark version of the sheet itself, however the sheet functions normally with implementing attacks, spells, skill rolls, etc. The visual issues seem to scale and shift with the size of the text box itself, and is restrained purely to the character sheet. The issue does not bleed out into the background nor does anyone else report these same issues within the game. It seems to only affect the Details tab of the sheet, not the Spells, Inventory, Feats, etc. This game is also modded with the listed mods down below:

About Time
Advanced Macros
Advanced Magic-Spell Points
Carasol Combat Tracker
Combat Ready
DFreds Droppables
Dice so Nice
Dice Tray
Drag Ruler
Health Estimate
Initiative Double Click
Item Piles
lib-color setings
Loot Sheet NPC 5e
Monk’s active tiles triggers, bloodsplats, combat details, combat marker, enhanced journal, little details, scene navigation, tokenbar, wall enhancement
Ready Set Roll
Setting Extender
Show Notes
Simple Calendar
Token Mold
World Currency 5e

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.