Can't update my token's images

I’ve been using Forge for the past few months. Just two weeks ago, I am unable to update the token images. I would upload, save and close. But no changes.

The only way would work is if I move the token onto the mat and update the played token’s image. It is quite annoying since I am unable to update the original token and keep updating it every time.

The way Foundry works is that each actor as a “Prototype Token”, and that’s what you need to update. Open the actor’s sheet then click on “Prototype token” from the title bar, then change the icon for that prototype token. Save, and that should do it.
You could also select a token and click the “Assign token” button to assign the currently selected one as the new prototype.
I hope that helps

I pulled a prototype actor from the compendium. I tried to update it. I pointed to an image I uploaded to assets. It doesn’t change appearance even though the image path is correct. I dragged it to a scene and edited the image. The token shows correct new image. But if I open the character sheet and look around, it ends up reverting to the prototype image. I’ve set the token in the scene to look like i want and had the prototype token be assigned to the one in the scene. No change. I duplicated the actor and tried to update that. It always reverts to the original image for a token in the scene, and the prototype never changes. I tried with all modules disabled. I even created a new actor and I can’t change the art for it. I will check in the 3.5 forum for the rule system.

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Same steps worked when I tried with Foundry VTT instead of The Forge


Hey there :wave: I’ve answered you on Discord and haven’t been able to replicate the behaviour you’ve described on Forge both on v10.303 and v11.307 (with 2.2.1 and 2.3.2 of 3.5e SRD system, respectively).

I do know that the system has some specific logic for handling prototype token updates which may be confusing things. If you could please create a ticket in #ticket-support in Discord and post an invite to your game there, I’m sure I’ll be able to help you get to the bottom of things.

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Thanks Phi!

I switched from latest Mozilla Firefox to latest Chrome browser on Windows 11.
I kept NoScript running with the site allowed as before.

The actor and token art are being updated as expected now by using Chrome to interact with my world in The Forge.