Can't update my server banner


Trying to update my server banner on The Forge and nothing seems to work! I’ve done it before and it worked fine, but now all of a sudden I can’t get it to update! I’ve tried clicking and selecting the file, as well as dragging and dropping the new image in the box.

Any advice greatly appreciated!

Hey there :wave:

Could I also please ask if it uploads successfully, and doesn’t change when you’re on the join screen where players select their users and input their passwords?

Or is it that it doesn’t upload at all from the Game Configuration page, e.g. here:

If you’re getting an upload error, might you perhaps be over your asset quota? You can check that over here in the Assets Library

The behaviour is a bit different depending on whether you’re using the Game Manager or not.

Not using Game Manager

If you’re not using the Game Manager, it’ll say Server Banner here and that image isn’t automatically used on the join screen. That’s because it’s the banner for the server in My Games but not for the individual world you’re running.

To set the world specific background manually, you have to Edit World from the Foundry setup screen and add a background image there, as shown in this article

Using Game Manager

If you are using Game Manager, it’ll say Game Banner here and that banner is associated with the specific world, so it’ll show it on the join screen for that world(if User Manager is turned off, you’ll see the join screen when loading into the world).

It was an Assets Quota issue. Thank you!

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