Cannot launch into server or stop it

I was in the middle of working on my game when I got this pop up

socket is not connected, mkdir ‘/forge-vtt…

This brought me back to the forge home screen where I proceeded to get this pop up:
: Error launching game: Error setting license file

I have looked the issue up online and most things I saw said to clear cookies which I did and nothing happened and the issue persisted. Now I don’t get the second pop up on forge but it tells me it takes too long to load into the game and when I try to stop the server to restart it, it gets stuck on stopping the server and does nothing

any help here would be much appreciated

The same thing is happening to me right now. I think perhaps one of the foundry servers may be acting up and timing out all operations. I wasn’t in the middle of anything, but when I first tried to start a game, I got a “socket is not connected” error as well, and now my world won’t start. I also can’t shut it down to start a different world.

Maybe I just got it to launch in safe mode so I am not sure gonna continue troubleshooting and ill lyk if I find a fix

Wait so it did launch? Every operation I try is timing out completely

I can’t get my world to stop, launch, or go into safe configuration.

Okay at the very least, I think this is a wide-spanning issue which should help get it noticed by the developers. Unfortunately, it’s a weekend and I’m not sure if anyone is available to solve it.

I too am having this issue, was just getting started in our Pathfinder 2E game. Looks to be a server down.

Same here, was in the middle of a PF2E game and lost connectivity, myself plus players booted. Haven’t been able to restart or bring server backup… keep getting the timing out error.

I ran the server in safe mode and got it too boot, after that i launched normally and everything seemed to work fine minus some module settings that had to be readjusted so be careful of that but pretty much everything was good to go for the most part after that. Maybe try clearing browser cookies I saw that work online for some but it didnt for me