Currently tokens with random images that use the wildcard option don’t work because the URL is invalid. The wildcard support in FVTT is a bit more complex than the current system is using so additional work is required for it. An issue was filed in FVTT and fixed and expected for 0.5.2 which would make this easier.
I can either do the extra work now which will all be throw away later when 0.5.2 is out, or wait for 0.5.2.
Not fully certain how wildcard can work.
When I very recently used path/guard*.png then those worked perfectly.
Maybe you’re having issues with saving the prototype token of the actor? It won’t work on existing tokens on the map I think.
Hey everybody. I figured out what was happening: I was copying the path from a single token, and because my folder name had spaces in it was putting in characters as placeholders.
So /Orcs/Melee Combatants/ was turning into /Orcs/Melee%20Combatants/
Once I deleted those it works just fine. Sorry for my lack of experience and thanks for the quick response.
Yeah, me either? I assumed it would too, which is why it didn’t occur to me to replace them. It totally fixed it though. Got a clearing full of Orcs now:
My guess is that the server side code that does the search in the database for assets matching the wildcard is not doing a decoding of the URL as it should. So that’s a forge bug!
Had this issue, also I assume due to a space in my folder name.
There does not appear to be a way to simply rename assets and asset folders to resolve and remove spaces from filepaths, or am I missing something?
I’ve just updated that other post to mention that it only applies to worlds imported before July 14th, as that bug was fixed. The other bug, when you have spaces in the path is still not fixed unfortunately.
I just logged into my world imported into Forge on 10 Aug (depend on your timezone) and cannot get wildcard tokens to work. I have the folder/* selected and the wildcard token button (now blue?) ticked.
Weird, but I actually cannot get it to work for folders with spaces, or without… It keeps defaulting to icons/svg/mystery-man.svg. It works in Foundry on my PC OK.