Braemar and the Ironclad Mine

Timezone: GMT
Time: Thursdays at 6PM CDT
Length: 9 sessions
System: D&D 5e
Character Creation: Level 3
Experience level: Open to all
Platform: Voice chat & text on Discord and Foundry VTT
Setting: High fantasy, but so far we’ve found one alien spaceship!
Expect: Combat when necessary, the party likes to talk monsters down. 60/40 RP/everything else. Puzzles and dungeons galore!

Seeking a fourth to join our campaign!

Deep beneath the thriving town of Braemar, a strange craft was discovered, within it a strange 3-eyed fish. Two children were rescued from the depths, and a faerie is missing from her usual haunt. A walking vine-man, protector of the forest, skulks in the trees seeking revenge. Soldiers are coming to pass through Runehall in a tenday.

If you’re intrigued, please send me a DM! I work player’s backstories into the main plot, and reward creative thinkers.

We play weekly on Thursdays, from 18:00 to 22:15. Sessions last 4 hours and 15 minutes (to account for a break mid-session). You’ll start level 3, but we’re about to go to level 4! Join soon!

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Slot is filled! Thanks for the interest!