Alien RPG Motion Tracker

I recently installed the Alien RPG Motion Tracker, and although I’ve activated the module, I can’t seem to work out how to activate it in game. Any help would be greatly received.



You would activate it through “Settings” image then going to “manage mpdules” image

I’ve already done that.

When I go to manage modules I can see it is active, but when I’m in game I can’t see how to use it.

Best regards

According to the module’s web page : GitHub - pplans/foundry-vtt-module-motion-tracker: A module giving life to the Alien RPG motion tracker in foundry VTT

The module installs a button just over the chat box that you can hit. When hitted, the button will scan for the nearest active and visibles tokens based on the selected token.

If that doesn’t work, and nobody else in the forums here is able to provide guidance on how to use the module, then I’d suggest contacting the author @Draedrus on Foundry’s discord server, the #module-troubleshooting channel would be a good place to ask.

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