Adventures on the Edge | The Reawakening of Magic - Custom game for Beginners and Experienced Players by a Veteran Game Master

Game: D&D 5e - Adventures on the Edge | The Reawakening of Magic
Link to game details:
Play Dungeons & Dragons 5e Online | ⃝𖤐 Adventures on the Edge | Magic and Fire Reawaken (

Check out our Lore Website: Dashboard - Suriel - Kanka

Group Type: Online / @Foundry VTT + Discord Server
Experience: Veteran DM - Players: Beginner to Veteran - Open to All (with plenty of interesting homebrew)
Schedule: Sat, 2 PM (14:00) ET, Weekly
Roles Sought: 2/6 players filled. The game will start once we have 5, but we can continue with 4.
Game Style: Game heavy with challenging combat scenarios, roleplay, exploration, communal storytelling (and some puzzles…)
Players’ choice between Sandbox/Campaign/Character Driven.
Mix of Milestone and EX leveling.
Cost: $25 (per session via
Intended Levels: 1 - 5 (various followups available up to lv20)

DM profile: Professional Game Master - Sabari | StartPlaying
You can expect: Character-Focused DMing, Experience & Expertise, Professional Approach & Consistency, Fun and Camaraderie!