Game System: Fate Core
When do you play:
We play once a week on Saturdays. First game on 2024-06-15T00:00:00Z
Next Game on 2024-06-22T00:00:00Z
Brief Description of the game/setting/premise:
It’s Call of Cthulhu with Nazis! Join a group of soldiers, spies and academics to root out eldritch horrors and stop Nazi Cultists from briging about Ragnarok!! The stor begins right at the dawn of WWII and takes the party from the forests of Eastern Europe, to the Battle Fields of France and eventually all the way to the streets of Istanbul! Save The Word! Fight Monsters! Punch Nazis!
Aditional Details:
We are playing on Foundry with Discord for the Audio. Not familiar with Fate? Not a problem! Very beginner friendly table! No knowledge of the lore needed to get started!! Game will run weekly and should run for a few hours each week…continuing through multiple books/adventures for at least 6 months!
We had a game scheduled for tonight (June 15, 2024) but if no one responds in time, we will start next week! Feel free to comment or send me a DM if you are interested or have any questions!!