A soldiers tale

hi i am a new-ish DM who is looking for a group. i am 15 years old and cant find anyone who wants to play. it will likely be mainly d&d beyond that us used until i find a suitable platform i can navigate

this is going to be a fun and chaotic campaign for those who need a little bit more crazy and annoying adventure in their lives. I’ve spent a long time on the worldbuilding and NPC’s. the campaign is about a group of guards (the party i’m looking for right now) who are stationed in a small seaside town called Salineas (if you get the reference that is amazing because there will be MANY more) you will go on epic and random adventures that will get on your nerves and piss you off

this will be a very chill very casual campaign held probably every Saturday at 6:00 pm. if you are interested i would love to have you as a party member :slight_smile:

Hello, I think I might be interested in your campaign! I’d just like to know what timezone you’re using with that 6:00 pm bit.

i live in Australia (NSW)

That’s 11:00 pm for me, so I think it’s a matter of how long you’d plan on the sessions being for me.

i don’t mind, it depends on any other people in the campaign but i would like to aim for about two or three hours