This is an invite to starting a 2E/1E campaign set in the Great Kingdom of Aerdy, 582 CY. The time will be Sunday Evenings Arizona Time (PST in summer, MST in winter). The 582 CY setting will bridge between the 1983 Box Set (576 CY) and the 1992 From the Ashes set (585 CY). The location (for those familiar with Greyhawk) is the Grandwood Forest, located in eastern Aerdy (the Great Kingdom). Rules will be the core books of 2E, as well as the Complete Race/Class books (I have some, not all, but am willing to accept gifts of any I don’t own).
The time is Sunday evenings (best for my schedule), but I have yet to set the exact time (until I get some players). Language is primarily English (Ich lerne deutsch, aber bin ich noch nicht fließend).
Player characters will be denizens of the Grandwood or the Lone Heath. If these locales are not familiar, please wiki them. PCs should be of wilderness-rustic ilk, elves, rangers, outlaws, druids, woodsmen, barbarians, runaway nobles hiding out, and the like. Alignments are best in the CG corner (NG, CG, CN, and true neutral). We will start out at level 1.
I will be using Guilded for voice and chat, rather than Discord. If you are not familiar, the link is Server name Rauxes.
If you need to contact me on Discord, my server is AndyPete. But we will be using Guilded.
Please feel free to contact me here or in Discord or in Guilded. Unclear yet if weekly or bi-weekly. Depends on the general consensus. Fantasy Grounds Ultimate.