[$10] Theros: Champions of the Apocalypse

The gods of Nyx have descended on our champions and bestowed a message upon them:

You are our chosen Champions. Chaos threatens to disrupt the Elements of Theros. Find the keys to close the Elemental Nodes. The agents of this Chaos will actively work to deceive you. See thru their lies and save Theros!

The caprice of the gods. The destiny of heroes. Great journeys into monster-infested wilds, and mythic odysseys to the edge of the world and back. These elements of adventure fill the realms of Theros, a new setting for your Dungeons & Dragons campaign to explore.

Players of this game are likely fans of: Greek Mythology (History), Disney’s Hercules or Clash of the Titans (Films), God of War (Video Games), Avatar the Last Airbender or Krapopolis (TV Series)

Gameplay expectations
:performing_arts: Diverse role play opportunities with countless NPCs
:compass: Traverse the world of Theros, a fantasy setting inspired by Greek mythology
:crossed_swords: Tough combat that can turn the tide of any adventure!