How to build a reusable world while it's being played in?

I’m building a new world week-by-week while my players are playing in it. Through the act of playing in it, my players are changing the world. By defeating enemies, collecting loot (which I check off in the journal), opening doors, etc.

But I’d also like to keep the ‘pristine’ world saved for future groups, and as far as I know, Foundry doesn’t make a distinction between a ‘world’ and a ‘world instance’. In other words, changes made through world-building and changes made through play are similar.

If you create the entire world beforehand, it’s easy to then clone it for each group you play with. But I can’t do that with a world I’m still in the process of building every week, lest I overwrite the progress my players have already made.

Are there any tips/tricks/mods that can help with this process?

Heya :wave:

I’m trying to wrap my head around the way you’re doing it. If I understand you correctly, you’re comfortable to make clones of your master world for each of your groups, but you’re still building up the master world as you go along each week.

The best way I can think to handle it not to think in terms of ‘Pristine’ Worlds, but instead to think in terms of ‘Pristine’ Scenes / Journals / Actors / Items.

Using a Shared Compendium, move all of your ‘Pristine’ prepped Scenes / Journals / Actors / Items into it as you prep, before your players have a chance to influence them. Then, once you’ve reached the end of your campaign or reach a point where you believe your world is sufficiently realized, import all the ‘Pristine’ Scenes / Journals / Actors / Items from your Shared Compendium into the ‘Pristine’ world, and clone it as desired.

That’s how I do it, at least :smiley: It generally works pretty well and gives you the granularity you might want!

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I’m trying to wrap my head around the way you’re doing it. If I understand you correctly, you’re comfortable to make clones of your master world for each of your groups, but you’re still building up the master world as you go along each week.

Kind of. For now I’m simply working with the single world that we’re actually playing in, but I’m trying to find a way to do it better going further forward, so I won’t have to clean up too much stuff if / when I want to use it for a future group.

Using a Shared Compendium, move all of your ‘Pristine’ prepped Scenes / Journals / Actors / Items into it as you prep, before your players have a chance to influence them.

OK, I guess I’ll have to look into the Shared Compendium feature. That will be a good start, thanks!

Then, once you’ve reached the end of your campaign or reach a point where you believe your world is sufficiently realized, import all the ‘Pristine’ Scenes / Journals / Actors / Items from your Shared Compendium into the ‘Pristine’ world, and clone it as desired.

When I clone a scene from the compendium, will that also clone the journal entry tied to that scene? Or do I have to remember to clone the journal entry separately, and then relink? Well, I guess I can find out. :slight_smile:

I don’t think the Journal entries get added automatically when you add in the scene, but if you use the Compendium Folders module I think you can make a folder per Scene, which should work out :grin:
Give it a go and hopefully it works for you!