December 14, 2021, 3:32am
Have a look through these 2 articles, they are the most common reasons for this.
If that doesn’t help, the next step is to try starting in safe mode (which turns off all modules). If that loads up ok, then you need to work out which module is the one that is causing the issue.
What is hardware acceleration?
Simply put, hardware acceleration is an option in some programs/apps. By having it enabled, they will attempt to use your device’s GPU/GPU-equivalent. In very basic terms, its an option that allows the program to use the right hardware in your computer.
Most modern browsers support hardware acceleration. Due to recent browser updates, Foundry VTT will technically function without hardware acceleration enabled- sometimes. Despite this, the experience will still …
An oversized world is a world that uses a lot of data storage. A world that is oversized, or takes up too much data storage can result in difficulties/slowness loading into the game, or outright instability while playing.
We explain why world size matters, how to check world size, and resolve any issues with it below.
Why world size matters
World size matters because users may start to see increased loading times around the 30+ MB mark. This is because Foundry VTT sends the worl…